Tag Archives: Yumbox

Daily Bento

27 Aug


This was yesterday’s lunch.

I think it’s pretty obvious what was in it although somehow all of the grapes ended up under the rest of the fruit so you can’t see those, but I promise that they’re in there.

There’s a little more sugar in this lunch than I normally like to pack but frankly I was in a hurry so at the time I wasn’t too worried about it. A little extra sugar every now and then won’t hurt.

I used a couple of picks from this set to add some quick cuteness.

Daily Bento

3 Apr


Lunch is in the Yumbox today.

I love this little box. It’s just the right size for Camryn’s appetite. I think we’ll both be a little sad when she outgrows it.

Yesterday afternoon I made some vegan chocolate chip cupcakes for the kids to snack on and to toss into their lunch boxes. More and more of my baking has become vegan because it’s cheaper, most of the time it’s easier, and everything tastes just as good.

For lunch today, I tossed two of those unfrosted vegan cupcakes into her Yumbox along with some golden butter crackers, sweet pepper rings, carrot coins, pineapple, cheddar/mozzarella cheese, and some teeny tiny pepperoni.

It’s hard to tell but the picks on the cupcakes say ‘choco’. Adorbs.

Daily Bento

8 Jan

Lunch is in our Yumbox today.

Cam has some itty bitty saltines and a Laughing Cow cheese wedge, sweet pepper rings, strawberries, yogurt, a Babybel, and a few dark chocolate covered almonds.


Daily Bento

6 Dec

Happy Friday!

For lunch today in her Yumbox, Cam has pb&j sandwiches, some cute reindeer cookies I found at Target, sweet pepper rings, strawberries, and a Babybel cut into fourths.

It will be interesting to see if she actually eats her mini pb&j’s. She doesn’t usually like peanut butter but I keep giving it to her anyway, hoping she’ll warm up to it.

Also, we’re out of lunch meat. So there really wasn’t any other option.

Off to the store – Have a great Friday

Daily Bento

2 Oct

Lunch is in the Yumbox today.

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned how heavy this little box is.

It’s surprisingly heavy for its size.

It doesn’t hold a whole lot of food so it’s geared more towards the little ones but it sure does make a lunchbox heavy once you add it along with a thermos full of water.

Just something to keep in mind if you’re thinking about purchasing one.

In her Yumbox today, Cam has my version of Lunchables. I just put a few crackers, some cheese cut-outs, and a few salami roll-ups in her lunch. She also has some sweet pepper rings, watermelon, a few natural fruit snacks, and two flapjacks from our Graze box.

Daily Bento

17 Sep

It was really cloudy this morning. I’m sure you can tell from that picture.

We had a veggie salad for dinner last night. I just tossed some of our favorite vegetables (fresh corn, kale, shredded carrot, tomatoes, and red pepper) with some green goddess dressing. Each of us had a big bowl of veggie salad with a piece of crusty bread on the side for dinner last night.

Some of the leftovers of last night’s dinner made their way into Cam’s Yumbox today along with half of a Honeycrisp apple, cheese flowers, pomegranate and pepper chips, and a Biscoff sandwich cut with our Funbites cutter. She also has a fruit rope cut into thirds in the little treat/dip cup.

First Day of School Lunch!

19 Aug

Daily Bento is back!

I’ll hope you weren’t expecting a full on “back to school” themed lunch today.

I think that the first day of school can be hard, especially at lunch time when you don’t know everybody yet, so I went for comfort over detail and packed some of her favorites.

She also got to use her new Yumbox that we bought over the summer.



For her first lunch of the new school year she had strawberries, pineapple, pepper rings, mini heart-shaped sandwiches filled with Justin’s chocolate hazelnut spread, a Babybel cheese cut into fourths, strawberry yogurt with a few rainbow sprinkles, and a few fruit and veggie gummies.

The Yumbox is pretty neat. It’s leak proof, which is so great, and it has a divided tray inside that is removable for easy clean up. It’s also easy for her to open and close which is always a plus.


Camryn was really looking forward to showing of her new lunch container at school today.

I just hope she actually ate her lunch.