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Daily Bento

30 Sep

Daddy made yesterday’s lunch which consisted of chocolate hazelnut spread on tortillas, carrot sticks, grapes, and cheese crackers.

Snack was a Whole Foods fruit and cereal bar cut in half and stacked, and a couple of dark chocolate covered almonds.

Blogger Down!

20 Dec

I sprained my foot this week which is a whole new kind of injury for me.

I know you’re wondering how in the world I managed to do that.

I wish I had a much more impressive answer for you but sadly I don’t.

I injured myself stepping up on a curb.


Stepping. Up. On. A. Curb.

Actually, I stepped up on that curb in the most awkward fashion that anyone has ever stepped up on a curb and then things went very very wrong shortly after that.

Up until a few days ago, I had never sprained anything.

I’d say that was a pretty good run.

Aside from the pain it wasn’t all that bad.

I got to wear my pajama pants out in public and no one so much as even glanced in my direction.

I get to ride on one of those motorized carts with the big baskets in front when I go to the store.

And, I get to spend the next few days with my feet up asking other people to bring me things and do my housework for me.

Although the kids keep running off with my crutches and I haven’t quite figured out how to do anything in the bathroom on one foot so there are definite low points too.

Since I’m out of commission for a few days, my sweet husband has been picking up the slack.

This includes lunch making.

It would have been so much easier on him to just make a sandwich and bag up some chips for Cam’s lunch but instead he did this:



And this:

Not bad for someone who was already really pressed for time in the morning.

He would rush home from work, get Camryn fed and ready for school, make her lunch, and then drive her to school.

This morning he even did her hair.

I died.


This is the lunch I made on Tuesday. It was very early in the morning so there was no light which would explain the sad photo:

My camera is broken and won’t take decent pics in low light anymore.

Maybe Santa will bring me a new one.

A girl can dream.

Happy Friday!

Daily Bento – Made by Daddy!

20 Mar

Today is my wedding anniversary.

So I think it’s somehow fitting that the hubs offered to make lunch today.

I gave him free reign of the kitchen and all of the lunch making supplies.

He asked Cam exactly what she wanted for lunch and then went to work peeling, chopping, and arranging everything until it was just right.

It was so sweet watching how much time and care he put into making Camryn’s lunch.

It made my bento loving heart go pitter pat.

I know… gross.

Still, you gotta love a man who puts as much effort into the things that you love as you do.

Even if it is just lunch. 😉


Seriously. How cute is that lunch!?


In Cam’s lunch today:

  • Bear sandwich. He used a rice mold to cut the sandwich. I would have never thought of that!
  • Organic fruit leather cut-outs
  • Banana cream-filled graham crackers
  • Yogurt in the cat container
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Celery & carrots


Now that I know that he’s some sort of lunch packing savant, I think he needs a regular segment on this blog!