Tag Archives: frogs

Daily Bento

8 Apr


Lunch today is in our new Lunchbots container that Camryn picked out.

So far we’re really liking our new container. The size is just right for the amount of food that she eats and I love the way the box is divided. My only complaint is that Camryn has a hard time opening it. I wondered about this before I bought it. Luckily, there is a lunch room helper at her school to help her if she needs it.

Camryn has four chicken sandwiches, veggie chips, carrot coins, mozzarella cheese, grapes, and cherry tomatoes.



Daily Bento

1 Mar

It’s a froggy Bento!


And the last in my impromptu animal themed bento series.

In today’s lunch Cam has a pb&j froggy sandwich, cheese hearts stamped with froggy faces, organic fruit leather tongue and “ribbit”, strawberries, and tiara shaped pretzels which were left over from our big Valentine’s box of snack bags.

All of this froggy fun is packed into one of our Easy Lunchboxes.

Have a great weekend!



Daily Bento

13 Nov

Isn’t it weird when things just sort of come together on their own? Without meaning to, I created a frog/insect theme for today’s bento.

I cut some carrots into butterfly shapes last night using a small fondant cutter. I also grabbed the first CuteZCute insert that my hand touched this morning when I made Cam’s sandwich and it just happened to be a frog. The first pick I grabbed was also a frog. And lastly, when I tossed in some Cheez-Its, I noticed once they were in the bento that they were Spiderman Cheez-Its. See all the spiders?

There is some sliced celery under the carrot butterflies and the froggy sandwich is filled with sliced chicken.

I wonder if my little miss caught the theme at lunch time today.