Tag Archives: Yubo
10 Feb

valentine lunch ideas

If you’re looking for some lunch inspiration for your little Valentines, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ll be the first to admit that these certainly aren’t the healthiest Valentine lunches you’ll find on the internet but they sure are cute and they were pretty easy to put together too.

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Daily Bento

4 Dec

Lunch is in our Yubo today!

It was still dark when I snapped this pic. I had a very early meeting to get to this morning and there just wasn’t enough light to get a great picture.

Honestly, I was just trying to make sure I got out the door in regular pants and some kind of hairdo.


In her badly lit Yubo, Cam has a chicken sandwich cut with our Funbites cutter, some pepper rings and carrot coins, a few veggie straws, a Babybel, and some juice.

Daily Bento(s)

28 May

Was May a busy (and expensive) month for anyone else?


We had two birthdays, two Mother’s Days, a wedding, recital stuff, family coming in from out of town, and now that the end of the school year is fast approaching, we have ice cream party day and water fun day coming up next week for Cam.


We’ve had a lot going on around here over the last couple of weeks so posting took a backseat to my sanity.

It happens.

Anyway, I have a few of Camryn’s lunches from last week to share today.

This first one was last Wednesday’s lunch:

In her Bynto was organic strawberries, turkey and cheese roll-ups, a granola bar, a juice box, some honey almonds, and veggie chips.

This was last Thursday’s lunch.

It contained a granola bar, a juice box, baby goldfish, Greek yogurt with sprinkles, a cheese stick (under the spoon), grapes and strawberries.  It was all packed up in her Laptop Lunch Box.

And this one was Friday’s lunch:

Packed in her Yubo was a chicken sandwich, organic strawberries, baby goldfish crackers, honey roasted almonds, and a juice box.

There are no pics of her lunches that I packed earlier in the week because I slept in those days, then drug myself into the kitchen, slapped a sandwich together and threw it into an ELB along with some chips or goldfish, and cookies or maybe fruit? I can’t even remember. Let’s go with fruit.

Since this post is already pretty lengthy, I’ll keep my reviews short. First up, the Bynto…

Goodbyn Bynto:

Would I buy it again? Yes. It is inexpensive, it works well, holds quite a bit of food and Cam loves it. You do have to buy the stickers separately but you get a lot and they are dishwasher safe and easily changeable.

Would I recommend it to a friend? Yep. But I would be sure to inform them that you have to close the middle section first to get the other sections to close.

Laptop LunchBox:

Would I buy it again? Yes. I had actually been eyeing them for a while and was finally able to get a great discount on the one Camryn wanted. So I would say wait until they offer up a discount code and then snag one for yourself because they are on the pricey side.

Would I recommend it to a friend? Yes, but only to friends with older kids. Say 1st grade or above. The lids can be tricky to get off. I rubbed Cam’s with a little vegetable oil which has helped but they can still be tricky. The box itself can be hard to open and close occasionally too. Not sure what that’s about. It also holds a lot of food. Maybe more than a pre-schooler or a kindergartener would need. It is lovely to have all those compartments to keep everything sectioned off so nicely. That in itself is a big plus.


Would I buy it again? I was lucky enough to win our Yubo so I didn’t pay for mine. That being said, I was eyeing that lunch box too and waiting for a discount code to pop up so I could snag one for Cam. This lunch box is definitely pricey. Especially if you’re going for personalization. But… it would make a great birthday or Christmas gift so if you look at it that way, it’s not so bad.

Would I recommend it to a friend? Yes. But wait for a discount code and definitely spring for the drink holder. Camryn is the only one in her school with a Yubo and the kids and teachers go nuts for it. It is easy for little ones to use but holds enough food for older kids to use as well. The interchangeable face plates are fairly inexpensive so it doesn’t cost much to swap them out when your kid gets ready for a new look. I also love that the whole thing comes apart and goes right in the dishwasher. Genius!

*Alll of the products listed can also be found on amazon.com.

Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate for any of the companies reviewed above. I make no money if you purchase any of their products. This is just my unsolicited, honest opinion.

Daily Bento

22 Apr

Instead of asking Camryn what she wanted for lunch, I asked which lunchbox she wanted her lunch to be packed in.

She went right for her Yubo.

We don’t use it very often simply because I haven’t purchased the drink holder for it yet and it can be tricky to fit a drink inside unless you configure everything just right.

When we do use it, this lunchbox gets so much attention at her lunch table. Especially because it has her name on it. When you’re little, things with your name on them tend to be a pretty big deal. Especially when you have an uncommon name like Cam does.

In today’s lunch:

  • Chocolate hazelnut spread sandwich
  • Pretzel crisps
  • Spinach
  • Carrot sticks
  • Mozzarella cheese slices
  • Pineapple & grapes
  • Juice box



Daily Bento

8 Mar


It’s Fancy Sandwich Friday!

I fancied up Cam’s sandwich today by adding some sprinkles.

Okay so sprinkles aren’t as fancy as say… gold leaf. But what kindergartener is going to appreciate gold leaf? Riiiight.

Sprinkles it is then.

And really, I think we can all agree that any time you cut a sandwich into a shape it automatically ups the fancy quotient.

For lunch today, Camburger has a chocolate hazelnut spread sandwich with the aforementioned sprinkles, pumpkin seeds, carrots, grapes, strawberries, pretzels, cheese flowers, and a juice box.

Have a great weekend!



Daily Bento – In A Yubo!

5 Mar

We’ve chatted before about how I’m the cheapest lady in town.

Actually I chatted – you read. Thanks for that by the way.

I wanted a Yubo for Camryn for a really long time but just couldn’t part with the $40 plus shipping for what is essentially a lunch box. Even during the holidays when there was a 25% off coupon code floating around the internet, I just couldn’t do it.

I had all but given up on my dream of Yubo ownership and was happy just to stalk visit my friends’ blogs and ogle their fun and beautiful lunches packed neatly in their dreamy Yubos, when one day out of the blue, Cyndi from Yubo emailed me to let me know that I was the grand prize winner in their deluxe Yubo giveaway!

What the what?!

Little old me? I barely remember entering. But nevertheless – I’m super happy to be the winner!

Behold! Our first Yubo lunch:


Cam asked me to make her a Hello Kitty lunch today so I used my Cutezcute cutter to make a kitty sandwich and topped it off with a red bow food pick. Easy peasy Hello Kitty ;). She also has cheese hearts with a small piece of cherry baran on top for decoration, tortilla chips, and grapes in the large container.

I don’t have any Hello Kitty food picks so I simply placed a sticker on one of my other food picks and Voila! Instant Hello Kitty pick.

In the smaller containers, she has strawberries and yogurt with a few sprinkles on top.

After the ice pack was added and the lids were placed on the containers, I added a few more Hello Kitty stickers. There is no such thing as too much Hello Kitty to a 5 year old!

Here’s her Yubo with the ice pack and container lids added:

And the lid, my favorite part:


I absolutely love this lunch box and Camryn was so excited to show it off this morning.

Now I know you’re probably thinking that’s great Cass but where’s the drink?

Once we got everything packed in the Yubo we realized that I may have actually over-packed.

She only gets about 20 minutes for lunch and she spends most of it chatting with friends rather than eating. So I removed the strawberries and yogurt (she had those for snack after school) and put a juice box in instead.


Here it is with the juice box:


So what’s the verdict?

Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like it might be in bad taste to do a “review” of something you won.  It’s also really hard to do a thorough review on something you’ve only had for one day. But when I like something – I like it. It’s as simple as that. Cam loves it and her friends had a fit over it this morning too. So in my book, it’s a winner.

A Few Of My Favorite Things:

  • It’s really cute.
  • It seems durable and well made – of course only time will tell.
  • Camryn can open and close everything herself.
  • Lunch stayed cold until lunchtime and the ice pack was still ice cold when she came home from school.
  • The whole thing comes apart and goes in the dishwasher! that.
  • The containers are leak proof.
  • It’s a bit on the heavier side but Cam had no problems carrying it. Since it will only build up her teeny muscles, I’m calling this a plus!

The only thing I don’t really love about it is that there’s no room for a drink if all the containers are used. So she’ll have to carry her thermos in her backpack from time to time. However this is not that big of a deal as long as she remembers to take the thermos out of her backpack at lunch time ;). Yubo also sells attachable drink holders for $5.95 with a set shipping price of $1.50. So that may be an option down the road.

If you’re interested in getting a Yubo of your very own, you can check them out here: www.getyubo.com.


* Yes, I’m aware that there is a dark spot on my pics. There’s a smudge or scratch on the inside of the lens & it’s driving me nuts. My birthday is right around the corner though so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the hubs comes through with a new camera.