Tag Archives: thermos

Daily Bento

31 Aug


Let’s go ahead and discuss what you’re all already thinking, shall we?

Yes, those are new picks and you can find them here.

Seriously, though – that slice of pie looks huge in this picture. I know.

I assure you, it’s really a much smaller piece than it seems. I blame the whole thing on perspective or my lackluster early morning photography skills.

Yes, pretty sure it’s one of those things.

My shortcomings aside, the kiddo has a thermos full of chicken apple sausage, roasted potatoes, and sweet bell peppers. In her adorable pink house bento, she has mandarin slices, and a monstrous piece of chocolate pie. 😉

We packed it all up, along with her water bottle in our new purple insulated lunch bag from Easy Lunchboxes.

Since today is its maiden voyage, I thought I’d share some hastily snapped pictures with you.


Easy Lunchboxes Insulated Cooler Bag


Everything fits with plenty of room to spare.


Easy Lunchboxes Insulated Cooler Bag


Once her cooler bag arrived, I took Camryn to the craft store and let her pick out stickers and a few iron-on appliques to decorate her bag.



She used fabric glue to attach the appliques which was much easier than actually ironing them on.



They’re not all perfectly straight but she had a great time decorating her bag and it gave us half an hour or so of artsy craftsy girl time.







Daily Bento

10 Feb

Today’s lunch might seem odd… especially for a six-year-old.

What you see pictured above in Cam’s thermos are the reheated leftovers from last night’s dinner: Pumpkin polenta with roasted brussels sprouts.

I also roasted some cremini mushrooms along with the sprouts but Cam isn’t a fan of mushrooms so those didn’t go into today’s lunch.

I had a spur of the moment dinner idea last night and ran with it. Luckily it worked out and everyone loved it, especially Camryn.

She specifically requested that I send it for lunch today.

What kid asks for brussels sprouts for lunch?

She’s awesome.

In addition to her polenta and sprouts, I filled her Lunchbots Trio with fresh strawberries and tomatoes, sliced sweet peppers, a Babybel, and some cheese crackers.






♥ A Very Special Lunch ♥

25 Apr

Today is Camryn’s 6th birthday!

So I made her a fun and festive lunch to celebrate her special day.

For her birthday lunch today, Cam has popcorn chips, strawberries, a party grape, a party tomato, and a cupcake.

She also has organic mac n’ cheese in her thermos:

I went to the craft store yesterday and bought a huge pack of birthday themed scrap booking stickers for $2.40 after coupon to help cuten up her lunch. I still have quite a few left over so I’ll put them away for next year’s lunch.