Tag Archives: pig

Daily Bento

27 Feb


Cam has a piggy bento for lunch today. I think I’ll go ahead and keep the animal themed bentos going through the end of the week.

In today’s lunch Cam has a PB & Co. White Chocolate Wonderful PB & strawberry preserves sandwich, organic fruit leather “oink!”, an all natural gummy heart, cheese pigs, Annie’s Cheddar Bunny Snack Mix, grapes, and carrot coins.


Daily Bento

19 Dec

It’s a piggy bento!

Cam requested a pig bento today since she had a panda bento yesterday.

In this one, I packed a piggy sandwich along with two tiny flower shaped sandwiches. I had a little bread left from cutting the pig shape out and I didn’t want it to go to waste.

I also packed clementine wedges, Ritz Bitz cheese crackers, and 3 mini marshmallows in the tiny box. I had to include the mushroom box, pigs love mushrooms. Actually, pigs will eat anything. They’re not picky. I speak from experience.

I’m really not sure if those pink animals in the clementines are supposed to be pigs. I think they look more like frogs but Cam swears they’re pigs.

Daily Bento

21 Nov

For today’s lunch I made a piggy chicken sandwich and put it in one side of Cam’s bento box. In the other, I loaded it up with fruit and veg. I sliced an apple horizontally and used flower-shaped cookie cutters to make them pretty. You can’t see it in the picture but I used a very teeny flower-shaped cutter to remove the core. I also used a leaf-shaped cutter for the cheese. In the same section, I put celery sticks, pea pods, and grapes.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


Daily Bento

18 Oct

Today’s bento has a piggy sandwich in the bottom tier. I had a few heart-shaped sprinkles left in my baking cabinet that I thought would be perfect to spruce him up a bit. The top tier has pineapple & mandarin oranges in the heart-shaped cup, grape tomatoes, and two skewers with salami and mozzarella cheese on them.

If you wondering why I’ve been making so many nutella sandwiches lately, it’s because my daughter has said on many occasions that she does not like sandwiches.  I’m trying to change her mind ever so slowly. At first, she was only taking a few bites of her nutella sandwich. Now she eats the whole thing. In time, we’ll slowly warm up to meats and cheeses as well as other fillings.

No school for my kids tomorrow which means not only that we’ll all be sleeping in past 5 tomorrow, yay! But also that Daily Bento will be back on Monday.

Have a great weekend!
