Tag Archives: pink

A Special Daily Bento

1 Oct

Yesterday was a very exciting day in our house.

Miss Camryn received an acceptance letter from Mensa and she starts the gifted program at school on Monday.

We met the teacher of her school’s gifted program yesterday and she told us that the gifted kids get to eat their lunch at a special table up on the stage in the ‘cafegymatorium’ (my term for the school’s cafeteria/gymnasium/auditorium).

Also, they eat lunch at 11:55, A normal lunchtime! And they get snacks!

Finally, someone gets it.

Such exciting developments deserve a pretty special lunch.

Today’s lunch includes some of Cam’s favorite things:


Cam loves pink so I included as much pink as possible.

She has pizza bites and peppers on little pink skewers, pink watermelon flowers in a pink little pig, some fruit-leather cut-outs, and some pink strawberry cookies.

I didn’t get around to making the cookies until late last night and by then I certainly didn’t feel like making them from scratch.

Since I’m not opposed to taking a little help from the store every now and then, I grabbed a box of strawberry cake mix, dumped it into a bowl along with 2 eggs, 1/3 cup of vegetable oil, some sprinkles, and a couple handfuls of white chocolate chips. I mixed it all up, rolled the dough into balls, placed them on a baking sheet, and baked them at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.

The cookies cover her intense affection for strawberries, sprinkles, chocolate, and the color pink.




Daily Bento

13 Mar


I found a fun new bento box while the hubs and I were out doing a little birthday shopping yesterday at Marshall’s.

It had sections, was BPA free, and cost less than $4. There was no way it was not coming home with me.

Pink is the theme for today’s new bento box lunch.

Because it’s Camryn’s second favorite color after yellow and before purple.

And because I have lots of pink bento stuff.

In today’s lunch I packed tiny heart sandwiches filled with Biscoff (made using this cutter), graham crackers, tortilla chips, grapes, and Annie’s organic cherry flavored fruit snacks which I also found at Marshall’s. Love that place.