Daily Bento

4 Oct


Did you know that today is World Animal Day?

It’s a day set aside each year to appreciate all of our animal friends and bring attention to all of the threatened or endangered species around the world.

I missed World Animal Day last year.

Look who’s on the ball in 2013!

For lunch today, Cam’s Easy Lunchbox is full of animal friends.

She has a few little sandwiches, stamped with different smiley animal faces. Next to those, she has some cheese cut-outs in the shape of a pig, an elephant, and a penguin. She also has some broccoli and cauliflower with a few more animal friends peeking out. A small handful of chocolate covered almonds in a pink sheep add a sweet finish to her lunch.

Happy World Animal Day!

3 Responses to “Daily Bento”

  1. Jenn October 4, 2013 at 12:54 pm #

    Cute! I love all the different animals!


  2. ghostfaceknitter October 4, 2013 at 10:59 am #



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