Daily Bento

11 Oct



Cam spent most of yesterday in bed or laying on the couch due to a stomach ache that seemed like it would never end. I know it was only one day but doesn’t time seem to just drag on endlessly when your tummy hurts?

Now that she’s feeling better & has her spunk back, I wanted to make sure that she had plenty to choose from at lunch time today.

I put mandarin orange slices & strawberries in one silicone heart, sliced carrots & tomatoes in a second silicone heart, and little heart-shaped sandwiches in the third. She had been totally anti-sandwich until I started making them in cute shapes. She’s slowly warming up to them.

She also has some pretzel crackers & a mixed berry fruit & cereal bar.


One Response to “Daily Bento”

  1. Sara October 11, 2012 at 6:09 pm #



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